


Email tends to take away the warmth and nuance you’d have communicating face-to-face often leaving your intended meaning to get lost in translation. This kind of communication breakdown can be costly both in time and money. In this program you’ll be presented with tips and tools to ensure your email style makes you look as smart as possible while showing you how NOT to annoy those on the receiving end of your messages. We’ll explore the basics regarding how to structure email and when to use it (or not to use it). Uncovering what constitutes appropriate email etiquette is also included along with a look at what to do about pointless forwards, inappropriate attachments, blind CCs and numerous other issues related to email communication.



To establish email protocol that makes sense for your organization



To provide participants with the tools necessary to structure, deliver and reply to email in an effective manner.

To create strategies for mindful email communication so as to reduce communication breakdown and increase productivity



I.     Introduction

A.  What Do You Love About Email?

B.  What Do You Hate About Email?

C.  How Can Email Derail Things? (personal stories)

D.  What CAN You Do About Preventing Email Abuse?

II.    Back to Basics

A.  When is it Best to use Email? When Not to Use it?

B.  How Does the Communication Process Really Work?

C.  The Importance of Non-Verbal Language

D.  The 7% Rule

E.  Texting and Email Are NOT the Same

F.  What About Email and Conflict?

III.  Making it Mindful

A.  The importance of present moment awareness: Be Here Now!

B.  Six Steps to Make Email More Thoughtful and Less Likely to Misfire

C.  Step Four: Avoid Pre-mature Send Syndrome (Proofreading is NOT a Lost Art)

D.  The Relevant Pledge

E.  Alternatives to Email

IV.   Success Strategies

A.  Dealing with difficult people

B.  “Step-Back” and Stay Calm

C.  Assertively Speaking…E.D.A.

V.    Email Etiquette Tips and Tools: An Overview

VII. What Will You Commit to Doing Differently?